EVENTCIGRE Paris Session
작성일 | 2021.07.26 | 첨부파일 |
2021년 및 2022 세션 등록 방법 (21.07.28).hwp Virtual session preparation - TC meeting_2021-06-23 (updated) (2).pptx Notices at the meeting (210622)_gj (1).docx |
2021 Session은 코로나로 인하여 전부 비대면으로 변경 되었습니다.
1. 등록 관련 한글 파일 2~3. Virtual session preparation - TC meeting_2021-06-23 (updated).pptx : 프로그램등 적혀 있는 원본 파일
아래는 CIGRE 본학회에서 온 메일입니다. 2020+2021 동시 등록, 2021 1차 등록으로 등록하신 분들은 꼭 참고해주세요.
If you have already registered to the Virtual Centennial Session please disregard this message
Dear Sir, You registered to the Hybrid Session before it went Virtual. This registration has been transferred to the 2022 Session. You are therefore confirmed for next year Session. From there your options are : 1. You register online https://registrations.cigre.org/ to the Virtual Centennial Session at a reduced rate (195€ for members / 295€ for non members). 2. You decline the transfer to the 2022 Session and only want to attend the Virtual Centennial Session. Please inform Central Office as soon as possible to be refunded of the difference in price. IMPORTANT : The contribution deadlines for each Study Committee are available on https://session.cigre.org/contributions . Contributions are possible only if the registration is completed and confirmed by a payment.
Feel free to contact Central Office for any question you may have on your registration. We remain at your disposal. Regards,
Cordialement / Best regards,
Registrations Team
이전글 | 2021 Virtual Session 참여하기 위한 참고자료 | ||
다음글 | 2022년 제49회 CIGRE General Session_Call for Paper |